Posts by Shannon Kennedy
Support for Students | Helping Children Cope With Traumatic Events

As the violence in Israel and Gaza continues, we know that many children around the world are disturbed and frightened by these ongoing events, whether or not they and their families have been directly impacted.

Join leading mental health and trauma experts in a special live event designed to help parents support children during these trying times. Topics include initiating conversations about traumatic events, helping children handle their emotions, and creating a supportive environment for your kids while also looking out for your own mental health.

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Shannon Kennedy
Seattle Public Schools | High School Students | Bridges

Seattle Public Schools’ BRIDGES program is designed for young adults with disabilities ages 18-21 who continue to need special education services outside of a 9th-12th grade setting/curriculum in order to meet their own unique post-secondary transition goals. Certificated special education teachers, with training in functional special education services, are delivery case managers.

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Shannon Kennedy
YWA's Kick-off to Clubs

This year, as we eagerly kicked off our clubs which is on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:10-11:30am each week. We have placed a strong emphasis on making them truly student-centered. We believe that giving our students the opportunity to take ownership of their extracurricular activities fosters a sense of empowerment and encourages their creativity to flourish. As a result, students themselves took charge and created detailed descriptions for each club. By engaging our students in the process, we aimed to ensure that our clubs cater to their specific interests and provide a platform for them to pursue their passions.

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Shannon Kennedy
ParentEd Talks | Atypical Approaches: Unlock the Brilliance and Beauty of Your Differently-Wired Kid

ParentMap, a trusted resource for parents in Seattle, holds a highly informative and engaging parent education session each and every month. These sessions have proven to be invaluable for parents seeking guidance and support on a variety of topics. It is worth noting that Yellow Wood Academy, a pillar of the community, has been proud to sponsor a number of these talks in the past. It is a testament to their commitment to providing holistic support to both their students and their families.

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Shannon Kennedy
June is Pride Month

A letter from our DEI Coordinator and one of our amazing teachers, Emily Yuen:
This week is a delicate balance of flamboyant celebration, and somber reflection and activism.  Today is the first day of Pride Month, and I, personally, am beyond excited to engage in festivities and commemorate LGBTQIA+ folks, both past and present.  Tomorrow is also Gun Violence Awareness Day, that is why we are asking staff and students to wear orange.  This year, my students at Urban Native Education Alliance experienced fatal gun violence at their school, which should have been a safe place for them.  I expect there will be an overlap of emotions this week, and we hope to provide a safe and supportive community for everyone, no matter your life experience.

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Shannon Kennedy
May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which is a time to raise awareness and promote the importance of mental health. Mental health is an essential part of our overall well-being, and taking care of it is just as important as taking care of our physical health. You may face a range of mental health challenges, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and more. Below are some strategies that can help you improve your mental health and well-being.

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Shannon Kennedy
Summer Opportunity | Bellevue College Work Skills Camps

OLS Bellevue College's Skills for Work Summer Camps are back this year, and registration starts in just 3 weeks.

Our two-week camps introduce workplace readiness skills and career options to young adults. Campers identify their unique strengths and explore vocational and educational options for their future in a safe, friendly environment.

Skills for Work I: July 10 - 20 or July 24 - August 3
Skills for Work II: August 14 - 24

All camps run Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and will be hosted in-person on the Bellevue College campus.

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Shannon Kennedy
Highschool & Beyond | Spring Oregon College Fairs

We invite your students to attend our second annual Oregon College Fairs and kick off their college search! They can chat with college admissions representatives from nearly 30 regional institutions to gather information about the application process, important deadlines, scholarships, and more.

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Shannon Kennedy
Student Opportunity for 4th & 5th Graders | Pacific Northwest Ballet

An upcoming inclusive creative dance class that they are piloting at Pacific Northwest Ballet  (at their Bellevue location).  As they continually strive to expand our offerings to the community, they’ve added sensory-friendly performances and have designed this class for kids ages 6-10 of all abilities, mobilities and needs. They have a small teacher student ratio and a wide range of support and strategies, and are partnering with UW’s occupational therapy department to involve OT students.

Attached is a flyer with more information. We also have flyers in a variety of languages (Amharic, Arabic, Chines, Korean, Spanish), and I’m happy to provide those, as well. There is a $125 cost for the 8-week session, though we have scholarships available so cost is not a barrier.

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Shannon Kennedy
ParentEd Talks | The Shifting ADHD/ADD Lens: Moving From Disability to Ability

Yellow Wood Academy is sponsoring this month’s ParentEd Talks!

Dr. Hallowell has spent more than four decades treating kids diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia and other learning differences. Through his work, he has revolutionized a strengths-based approach to not only identifying neurodiversity, but developing and celebrating the talents embedded in these syndromes. Join us on March 2 to transform the way you think about neurodiversity, and to learn the best strategies to support the power and gifts of kids with ADHD.

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Shannon Kennedy
Mental Health Resources for

The Recovery Village Columbus are located all over the country, but their team has worked hard to make sure our info is useful to anyone dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues anywhere in the world. They’re part of the Advanced Recovery Systems network and have facilities in many states. They offer evidence-based treatments tailored to each person who visits, and also publish free informational guides on a variety of mental health topics. They think education is the first step to helping those who need it, so they’re trying to spread awareness.

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Shannon Kennedy